HW 4 & 8: Journals review (pt1) + Sources Worksheet (pt2) 9/2012


PART 1: PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS: Here's a very quick test for choosing ACTUAL PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS for your papers.  At least 70% of students lose points (as much as 30/100pts!!!!) for listing CQ researcher, magazines, websites or other articles that are not peer reviewed.


*Remember, searching a CGCC library or other database can still give you a newspaper or magazine when searching for periodicals, which don't count as JOURNALS -- need to check the box saying 'peer reviewed only' on database searches!  Even then still need to check for 4 out 4 signs it is a peer review journal. 

Most recommended/Best database for journals: JSTOR: http://ez1.maricopa.edu:2048/login?url=http://www.jstor.org


*CQ Researcher & Opposing Viewpoints are NOT peer reviewed journals: they are sources for background research and ideas for arguments, but these are NOT peer reviewed journals / will not count as journals.


*Some titles use the word ‘journal’ but mean diary, or blog, or magazine or such.   Email personal librarian for help!

*For your papers:  Remember, your paper requires 3 minimum peer reviewed journal articles (different journals preferred, but okay if from same journal as long as articles are from different authors).  Each article you use to count as a journal that is not really peer reviewed (like Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated, Discovery – all are MAGAZINES!) is ten points off – can bring a 99/A paper to a 69/D paper by missing the 3 minimum required REAL journal articles!




JOURNALS MUST have 4 of the 4 “SIGNS OF A JOURNAL” below:
       ( Journal in the title isn’t enough)—meet all 4 below or NOT Peer Reviewed Journal!

1)Always, in the first few pages (paper) or at the top or far bottom of the website (usually in small
    print) a section titled ‘About Us’ or ‘Instructions  for Authors’ or ‘Submission Guidelines’… STATES  
    somewhere details about the “Peer review process.”  Find this! 
    (Here is an example: http://group.bmj.com/products/journals/instructions-for-authors/peer-review/ )

2)Always have references (MLA or footnotes) for quotes or details in articles,

3)Almost always, statistics, charts and figures, 

4)Almost always, technical language to the field.

             If missing any 1 of the above 4, it is NOT a peer reviewed journal!



HW 4 part 1: Make sure to check each below!  Look at the about us, first few pages, sample article, references, etc                 Correct Answers posted in announcements NEXT WEEK.

Is this PEER REVIEWED journal?: (YES/NO)                                                      Y/N  Which of the 4 above ‘signs’


American Politics Journal   http://www.americanpolitics.com/index.php  )



Has 2-4, but not 1

1)INFORMS online Journal


Has 1-4




3)Writer’s Journal  ( www.writersjournal.com )



4)Nature (http://www.nature.com/nature/current_issue.html )



5)Wildlife Journal Magazine http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Wildlife_Journal/WJ_mag.htm



6)Gold Coin Collectors Journal    (http://goldcoincollectorsjournal.com/ )



7)Online Journal of Issues in Nursing  (http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN.aspx)



8)Scientific American ( http://www.scientificamerican.com/ )



(http://www.proquest.com/en-US/catalogs/databases/detail/pq_research_library.shtml )



10) Code4Lib   (http://journal.code4lib.org/issues/issue17 )





Before you LOCK your topic, use this worksheet/HW to test if your topic will yield good sources for your paper. 


 Your topic, exactly as approved : _______________________________________________________


What search terms would you use _______________________________________________________


Book Catalog:  The CGCC Library Catalog lists books and audiovisual materials owned by all ten Maricopa Community College libraries. (Hint:  www.cgc.edu à Quick links à “L” à Library, click “Books & More.”)


Citation Examples:   Print version book:

Kaku, Michio. Hyperspace:  A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel  Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension. New York: Oxford UP, 2005. Print.

Online version (eBook):

Streibel, Barbara J. The Manager’s Guide to Effective Meetings. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. Academic Complete ebrary. Web. 12 Aug. 2010.


Possible Book1 Title and Author:



Possible Book2 Title and Author:





Now, find 3 PEER Reviewed journals for your approved topic.
  If you can’t find three, that may be a sign that you need help from a librarian (personal librarian or other) or a new approved topic.


 Databases on CGCC to consider for Peer Reviewed Journals: (you will need MEID to log in)

           www.cgc.edu à Quick links à “L” à Library, click “Magazines & Journals”)

         JSTOR:  http://ez1.maricopa.edu:2048/login?url=http://www.jstor.org

         EBSCOHost*: http://ez1.maricopa.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.asp?profile=web

         Academic Search Premier*: http://ez1.maricopa.edu:2048/login?url=http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/mcc_chandler?db=AONE


*= for these, you need to check off the box that says ‘peer reviewed’ otherwise you will get magazines, etc.

Citation Example:

Parkinson, Gerald. “Oil from sand: the oil sands industry is growing fast, and so is its impact on the environment.” Chemical Engineering 116.2 (Feb. 2009): 19-21. JStor. Web. 19 Feb. 2010.


Journal Citation 1:




Meets all 4 ‘signs of a journal’?  If so, why did you choose/describe one point you will use in your paper.





Journal Citation 2:




Meets all 4 ‘signs of a journal’?  If so, why did you choose/describe one point you will use in your paper.






Journal Citation 3:




Meets all 4 ‘signs of a journal’?  If so, why did you choose/describe one point you will use in your paper.


