1) Humble beginnings:

briefly discuss disadvantage, commonness, etc origins

For example:  No one could suspect that this sick, fragile boy would become one of the most famous boxers in the world.


2) Unusual beginnings:

You will detail 2-3 very brief things from young age (usually) or from birth (not so commonly used) that are strange/extraordinary/incredible/indicating of the future achievement.


For example: Little Lenny Henry was born among a crowd of over a million, at Woodstock, during a guitar solo by Jimi Hendrix.  His mother had been triggered into labor by the immense distortion vibrations from Hendrix’ guitar solo rendering of the national anthem.  Later, people heard Ms. Henry say that the baby had not cried once when born, UNTIL Hendrix had finished his art on the guitar.


3) ”It was his whole life” : 

List the achievement, then how it was highest point, ultimate outcome, unavoidable outcome, or point of personal obsession. 


4) What achiever’s life was before the achievement: 

Before becoming a congressman, Kwame Mifume was a gang member, a high school dropout, etc

5) One small step foreshadowing future importance/First small achievement  “pointing to greater things”