*if you are looking for the
temporary ENG page for your instructor while canvas is down,
remember the format is http://newclassroom.com/<your instructor Lname>.htm
for example http://newclassroom.com/herbert.htm
Continuity Plan:
Recovery page for FERNANDEZ CLASSES!
contact Fernandez at: eng102papers@gmail.com
MARCH 23 Tues UPDATE (read below)
**Canvas still down. HANG IN THERE!!!!!**
REMINDER: if you inbox /email me through canvas I DO NOT receive your emails.
You need to use personal or temporary email and send to eng102papers@gmail.com *
FOR ENH110 classes
1)If you haven’t purchased the book required for
the play (Lesson and BIG test on it soon), do it now BOOK
2)If you haven’t had a novel approved you can’t start the Tracker Sheet. You might be able to cram for the essay at
end, but the tracker sheet is done across 7 weeks of reading so…
3)Scroll below (under March 22 update) for the revised calendar, sample tracker
sheet, and fresh tracker sheet
if you want to get started on reading your novel
links to HW 7 and HW8 scroll below.
Revised calendar, too.
Also read the paper description (scroll below) for the final paper.
2)Last late papers at -10 pts by Friday
3/26, else 0/F. Remember, the actual
due date was 3/15 (will be 2 weeks ago).
3)If you submitted your
first paper on Canvas on the 3/15/21 due date you are FINE.
However, I cannot see or access it for grading and feedback until at least the
End of the March 29 week.
If you would like to have it graded BEFORE then,
you can (optionally) email me the paper + checklist to eng102papers@gmail.com for grading
within 2 days
About 80% of the class has done so and gotten their
grades already. Huzzah!
MARCH 22 Mon UPDATE (read below)
**with spring break extended another week AND an extra week of classes
added in MAY **
**Many asked so here is the answer :
YOU can still submit work on original due dates
(see calendars below and optionally keep to original due dates
so you are not trapped with an extra week of Work in MAY!!!**
I. Click here for the ENH110
REVISED calendar.
1)send work by email to eng102papers@gmail.com UNTIL Canvas is
fully back starting (fingers crossed) 3/29/21.
2)If you
haven’t purchased the book required for the play (Lesson and BIG test on it
soon), do it now BOOK
3)If you haven’t had a novel approved you can’t start the Tracker Sheet. You might be able to cram for the essay at
end, but the tracker sheet is done across 7 weeks of reading so…
4)For those starting up on the
novel’s TRACKER SHEET: (remember
you fill out pt 1 right away, the rest as you read
across 7 weeks)
Here’s a blank Tracker Sheet in PDF: OR blank tracker sheet in .docx format to fill in
And an example A
grade Tracker Sheet:
1) Click here for the ENG102
REVISED calendar.
2)Last call for penalty late papers at -10 points
will be this week until Fri Mar 26.
That’s way extra time at -10 pts.
After that you have 0/F on 30% of your grade which means you want to
drop to protect your GPA and open time for your other classes since a best shot
would be a D for the course, which means repeat again.
3)If you submitted your first major
paper on Canvas for grading and feeding but don’t want to wait until
end of Week of Mar 29 for grades, email paper + checklist at this email. Eng102papers@gmail.com
4)With Canvas down for many (including my ability to
give feedback and grade them), if you submit HW on Canvas you won’t hear back
until week of 3/29.
5)REMEMBER, you can OPTIONALLY submit work early
(and keep to original calendar) and finish without have to do the EXTRA week in
middle of May for all MCCCD classes.
Finishing a course early is very much a good OPTIONAL choice.
MARCH 19- Mar 20 Update:
1)You should have
received a message from the district/CGCC stating systems continue down
The biggest issue is I can’t access
the papers you submitted on Canvas, in order to grade and give you feedback.
We are working on this. Meanwhile…
2)What this means for you:
2a) Deadlines for HW 7 and HW8 continue, but there is *NO* late penalty for
submitting after the due date.
2b) HW 7 is email me 3 possible thesis for the final
argumentative paper.
Can be from the list of sample 100 topics, or self-created by 6th
level of narrowing + argumentative form (show all narrowing steps)
SCROLL DOWN for paper
description, 100 sample topics, etc.
EMAIL to eng102papers@gmail.com for approval and suggestions
2c)HW 8 is
basically find 10 argument (you need 8 minimum) and 2 counters for your new approved thesis.
Like HW3, this one is important for feedback.
If you were
working late penalty (for -10 pts), email me at eng102papers@gmail.com to discuss options.
So choose your 3 possible thesis, get 1 approved, find 10 (8 minimum )
arguments and 2 counters (HW8)
and you are up to date until computer systems return!
ANY QUESTIONS to eng102papers@gmail.com !
for 1 on 1 help finding journals and other sources
Ask-A-Librarian has been available all week and still is!
https://www.cgc.edu/student-resources/library and choose ask a librarian
CANVAS and other UPDATE as of
*We still don’t have official messaging from the district so continue to use
this page!
*I can’t access
Canvas or read email sent through inbox canvas or sent to
so use the backup email: eng102papers@gmail.com for late papers, questions, etc
*Due dates: see below for how to proceed with late day pts/adjusted late
*HW7 due 3/22 is just 3 possible topics for final paper (see below).
No late penalty for HW7 but do it soon as you can (email to eng102papers@gmail.com until Canvas is
up for all!)
Hang in there! You followed the syllabus
instructions to get here to disaster recovery page so you are ahead of most!
See below for how to proceed if you are using late day point
1)*IF* you are using late day point, your paper is now due THURSDAY MAR 18
11:59pm at no penalty!
2)email the completed paper and checklist to miguel.fernandez@cgc.edu
AND to eng102papers@gmail.com (back up address) and I will confirm when received
A) Checklist
(required / complete and attach to your paper)
B) Paper
Description (current and final paper details)
C)HW 7 (This one’s easy: email 3 posssible thesis for approval for final paper, from
the list of 100 or narrowed to 6th level
D) List of 100
Sample Thesis