1)Extra Credit Q

2)About the Oral Presentation [class6-oralpresentation.doc, class6-oral book-chosen sheet-with approval.doc ]

3)About the TRACKER SHEET: extra credit opportunity and part of take home exam           class13-Lit_tracking_sheet-v2.doc


4)Give out Symbolism Handout (read for MONDAY)


5) 5 ways of revealing Characterization (pt 1 of handout)  below


6)Discuss Danny Santiago’s Somebody

7) ‘A’ for AUTHOR in ERATTTTIC /Danny Santiago Bio


8)FOR MONDAY: READ Shirley Jackson’s Lottery and Symbolism handout









1)Chato drops out of school to become a writer of _____________________


2)In Freytag’s triangle, #2 Inciting Incident is ______________________________


5)Characterization  is the way writers develop characters and reveal those characters’ traits, beliefs, and psychology to readers

Characterization revealed  thru:

A) Actions

B) reactions to situations or other characters

C) Dialogue/internal monologue

D) physical appearance, gestures, and expressions

E) showing/revealing motivation: the reasons behind his or her behavior


A-E are either revealed directly in the story (3rd person narrator reveals their past, thoughts, experiences and judgments, analysis)  or 1st person where character tells reader about themselves and other characters (reliable or unreliable narrator).


***Individuals, groups, even sometimes setting can be a main or minor character in a story***
6)Discuss Danny
Santiago’s Somebody


Like/ Don’t like vs “Birthday”?




Main Conflict?   Conflicts in the family and in the community?


POV: accurate narrator?  First person? Vs Narrator and style in Birthday?


Characters:                                                Most memorable thing in story























What do you find interesting about Chato? And uninteresting? Chosen for Author’s agenda?  Stereotypes?



A)By Actions:

Chato saw a girl drawing hearts

Chato questioned Crusader about her act

Chato and Crusader lost balance.

Crusader invited Chato to write together.

Chato almost accepted Crusader’s invitation.  Why not?

Chato grabbed the lipstick from Crusader.

Throws lipstick in the sewer

Looks at pretty girl (18); Looks at Cadillac Man



B) reactions to situations or other characters

Boredom, gang, tagging on his house, breakfast scene, treatment of family (“Doesn’t mean that much to me  to mean that much to you” Neil Young)




C) Dialogue/internal monologue

things hit me like that sudden /I can feel everything she’s got / Chato thought of getting a job.

“Dogs leave their name all over the place… lampposts” (Boys’ Club/Calderon)



D) physical appearance, gestures, and expressions  (How old is Chato?)


E) showing/revealing motivation: the reasons behind his or her behavior

dreams of being famous all over town.





Places where Chato writes his name?  Significance?


Scene with Crusader Rabbit drawing hearts and confrontation and invitation.


“Without a gang, you’re nobody.” Vs family vs boy’s club


“I cruised on up Broadway getting rich”.  (if name is on it, you own it)


“He goes into that voice with the church music in it”


Chato’s father had a couple of dreams and aspirations for Chato. What do you think they express about the aspirations of Mexican Americans?


how would it be different if told by Chato as an adult?







Danny Santiago bio:  several short stories and a  novel called Famous All over Town


"In 1984 the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters awarded one of its distinguished fiction prizes to a new young Chicano writer named Danny Santiago, for his first novel, Famous All Over Town….


1970 when his first short story, "The Somebody," was published in Redbook (February).  In 1983 when his novel, Famous All Over Town, was published by Simon and Schuster, Santiago maintained a low profile. He granted no interviews, answered no phones, and only corresponded with agents and editors through a post office box in Pacific Grove, California



DOES THE AUTHOR MATTER?  New School of Criticism says never care about who the author is


Subsequent to the award it was revealed, with some embarrassment, that the newly discovered Chicano writer was not Chicano at all: Hostility and debate, when John Gregory Dunne revealed “The Secret of Danny Santiago” in the New York Review of Books (16 August 1984).


'Danny Santiago was white and born in 1911. Was really  73 year-old Daniel James, author of several previously published books, and better known as a playwright and screenwriter; and a former Communist Party member who had been blacklisted by Hollywood in the 1950s. ‘


n     educated in Classics at Yale; from a rich family that made fortune

manufacturing and distributing fine china. A measure of

their wealth was the splendid mansion built for them on a cliff in Carmel

Highlands, California, between 1918 and 1923 by the distinguished architect

Charles Greene.17 Carmel then as now was home to the very rich, but, much to

their displeasure, it also attracted a number of left-wing intellectuals, including

Langston Hughes, Ella Winter, and Charlie Chaplin.18 Chaplin stayed with the

James’s and became familiar with Daniel, who was by then an active member of Communist party


n     experience doing massive volunteer social work in Mexican-American districts and slums of Los Angeles in the 1950s and 1960s, and ‘chose to publish it under a Hispanic pseudonym because he had lost confidence in his own writing ability’.

n      narrated by the fourteen-year-old Chicano boy he felt closer to 'Santiago' than to 'James.'

n     Many Thought Famous All Over Town alone should have been the issue, and not its author's identity, the awards committee confessed that they might have had second thoughts about giving the novel their prize, had they known its author was 'Anglo' and not 'Chicano.')"

The Simon & Schuster editor who bought Santiago's book stated that the author had hidden his identity and masqueraded as a Chicano (using Chicano slang in his letters to the editor) and, even after his identity had been exposed, expressed his intention to continue writing as Danny Santiago.   He died before he completed another book.


Died in 1988 before writing any other Novels as Danny Santiago


n     How could James have managed to dupe the publishers and the critics?


n     Escape from Blacklist same as escape from Racism?


n     Angry Reaction by many Chicano writers and lit crits: reverse racism?



OTHER EXAMPLE OF AUTHOR FRAUD: Education of Little Tree, ASA CARTER, man writing as native american who turned out to be a white supremacist



Slippery Characters: Ethnic Impersonators and American Identities

Laura Browder


Passing for another economic or ethnic group that is currently a hot topic